Treasurer’s Page

Beyond this there is, we believe, a worldwide need for appreciation of this basic principle of our Faith: that contributing to the Fund should constitute an integral part of the spiritual life of every Bahá’í and be regarded as the fulfillment of a fundamental spiritual obligation. In too many countries we have encountered a reluctance among the teachers of the Cause to include, in their presentation of the Teachings, support of the Fund as a natural part of Bahá’í life. In the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Bahá’u’lláh more than once refers to the necessity for combining spiritual and material means in achieving the purposes of the Faith. Shoghi Effendi, for his part, referred to the Fund as the lifeblood of the Cause.

The Universal House of Justice, A Wider Horizon, Selected Letters, letter dated November 18, 1991 to the followers of Bahá’u’lláh in every land

How to make online donations to the Local, National, and International Funds using the Online Contribution System (OCS)

What can I do with OCS?

Make a one-time contribution to the senior institution’s funds

Schedule a one-time contribution for up to 45 days in advance

Create a continuing contribution

Edit my existing continuing contribution

Access and/or print your receipts

Create a tax summary report of contributions

Make In Honor or In Memory cards with a contribution

*You need a secure personal password created for your Online Services Account (formally called your account) before logging in.

*To open a Online Services Account, go to and register if you have not already done so in